Alternative to Suspension (A2S)

At Boys & Girls Clubs, we understand that traditional school suspensions often do more harm than good, isolating students from the supportive environments they need most. That's why we're proud to offer the Alternative to Suspension (A2S) program. Instead of sending students home, A2S engages them in constructive activities at our ATC centers, where they can gain valuable skills and insights.

The A2S program is designed to transform disciplinary actions into opportunities for growth. Our dedicated ATC center staff work closely with students to identify the root causes of their behavior and develop personalized plans to address them. By focusing on social-emotional learning, conflict resolution, and positive communication, we help students navigate their challenges and build resilience. This approach not only keeps students in a safe, structured environment but also equips them with the tools they need to thrive both academically and personally.

Through A2S, students are encouraged to reflect on their actions and understand the impact of their choices. They engage in community service projects, participate in workshops, and receive one-on-one mentoring. These experiences help them develop a sense of responsibility and a deeper connection to their community. By the end of the program, students leave with a renewed sense of purpose and the confidence to make better decisions moving forward.

At Boys & Girls Clubs, we believe in the potential of every young person. With the Alternative to Suspension program, we're not just addressing behavior issues we're empowering youth to become the productive, responsible community members they were always meant to be.

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