Roads To Success

Our Roads To Success initiative is a pivotal part of our commitment to guiding teens who are at risk before they enter the court system. With youth incarceration costs soaring to $200,000 per offender annually, and local juvenile arrests tallying up to 166, the potential financial burden on taxpayers could exceed $33,000,000. By intervening early, we not only alleviate these substantial costs but also pave the way for a brighter future for these teens and their communities.

Alternative To Suspension Program (A2S)

For students facing 2-3 day suspensions, our A2S program offers a constructive alternative to being sent home. Instead of enduring unproductive days away from school, these students engage with our ATC center staff, where they acquire essential skills needed to evolve into productive and responsible community members. This program focuses on personal development, helping students navigate challenges and emerge stronger on the other side.

Diversion To Assets Program (D2A)

The D2A program is designed for teens who have had their first encounter with the legal system. Our objective is to foster accountability by connecting these young individuals with positive adult and peer influences. Through this program, teens are encouraged to develop personal assets, discover their strengths and interests, and cultivate work readiness skills. By reinforcing these positive attributes, we aim to prevent reoffending and guide them towards a constructive path.

Tools to Success

For students who have been expelled or are facing extended suspensions, our Tools to Success program is instrumental in helping them reintegrate into the classroom environment. This program provides the necessary support to ensure these students can seamlessly transition back to their educational journey, equipped with the tools and skills to succeed.

At Boys & Girls Clubs, we believe in the potential of every young person. Our restorative programs are not just about preventing negative outcomes; they are about empowering teens to become the best versions of themselves, for their sake and the betterment of their communities.

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